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In 2007 I ran out of grub near Polson, Montana. I zeroed in on a filling station on my map, which was off-route a couple miles, but I was famished. The station was burned and boarded, presumably well before the US switched to unleaded. I rolled to a lone house across the road, where an elderly woman with white hair in a housecoat replica Zenith watches watered weeds while chickens scratched and pecked at her feet. Gas station? I pointed. Maniacal laughterId made her day. So much for my plan to offer her ten bucks for a peanut butter sandwich and I went hungry until I beat the headwind to Lima. Montana is civilized because nearly every cafe in the state serves homemade chicken-noodle soup all summer long, even if the locals stare your way while you slurp it in your spandex short pants. Welcome to Day 7.
Les Stroud has recorded a video blog of his trip to a Thailand resort, where hes doing yoga, running up hills, spending time at the spa, and checking out kickboxing training for the future. Hes there to write an article, and hes also taking a break before replica Omega 1262.15.00 WoMen's watch filming his next set of adventures.You can view all his video blogs at :lesstroud.cavideoblog.Aileen Torres The chance to surf Trestles with a couple guys out and to compete with the best guys in the world is always a treat.